Marketing in the Digital Age teaches the fundamentals and best practices of digital marketing in the modern world. Visitors can either work their way through the free, open University course or use other tools and content on the site to teach themselves what they need to know about digital marketing.

Created with the support of an Educational Innovation Small Grant from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the site is a teaching and learning tool developed by Katie Krueger with the goal of providing an Open Educational Resource that gives people around the world access to the same materials that students at the Wisconsin School of Business use in the class, Marketing in the Digital Age. It also serves as learning tool for the enrolled students at the Wisconsin School of Business, who help create and update the site each semester.

WisconsinIdea_w_in_bulb-535pxThis site is built on the principle of the Wisconsin Idea: that education should influence people’s lives beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Synonymous with Wisconsin for more than a century, this “Idea” has become the guiding philosophy of university outreach efforts in Wisconsin and throughout the world.

To contact Katie about this site or the original course, please email her.

Many thanks to Megan Theodoro who helped build the site from scratch.


This website aims to be an Open Educational Resource (OER) while also listing and ranking other OERs that pertain to digital marketing. Those OERs deemed to be the best have been integrated into the university course curriculum. Additional OERs can be found throughout the learning resources and blog posts.

Educational Innovation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison explains the meaning and philosophy behind OERs:

As the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation explains, OERs are “openly licensed, online educational materials that offer an extraordinary opportunity for people everywhere to share, use, and reuse knowledge.” More specifically, they are:

Teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.

OERs are primarily developed and utilized to enhance student learning, and to reduce the cost of course-related materials for students (e.g., via ‘open texts’). OERs are also used by faculty and staff at universities to enhance efficiency and save resources (e.g., paper), alter and improve reputations, enhance technological momentum and personalize learning (see Martin Weller’s, The Battle for Open, for a thorough discussion of this topic).