Teach this university-level digital marketing course, structured into a 16-week semester with a comprehensive course load. Reference provided lecture material and assigned readings to help guide your digital marketing class.
Unit 1:
The Consumer Journey Online
Unit 1:
Lee, Bill “Marketing Is Dead.” Harvard Business School Publishing, 2012. Online. https://goo.gl/f8BVq9
Edelman, David. “Four ways to get more value from digital marketing,” McKinsey & Company Insights. 2010. Online. http://goo.gl/FA8zRX
Unit 1:
Case Study: The Big Skinny
Unit 1:
Big Skinny Case Study
Unit 2:
Search Overview Content Marketing
Unit 2:
Winning the Zero Moment of Truth,” from Think with Google. Link to PDF: https://ssl.gstatic.com/think/docs/2011-winning-zmot-ebook_research-studies.pdf
YOUtility: Prologue and Chapter 12 (There is a digital reserve on class website)
Unit 2:
Websites and SEO
Unit 2:
The Beginners Guide to SEO,” SEOMoz. Chapters 1-5. http://static.seomoz.org/files/SEOmoz-The-Beginners-Guide-To-SEO-2012.pdf
Unit 2:
Keyword Planning
Unit 2:
UX/UI Guest Speaker
Unit 2:
Case Study: Hubspot
Unit 2:
HubSpot: Inbound Marketing and Web 2.0
Thomas Steenburgh; Jill Avery; Naseem Dahod
Unit 3:
Advertising Overview
Unit 3:
Forbes: What’s next for Native ads, July 2013.
TechCrunch: BuzzFeed’s Future …
Unit 3:
Affiliate Advertising Case Study: Ebay
Unit 3:
Ebay Case
Unit 4:
Email Marketing
Unit 4:
Green, Joshua. “The Science Behind Those Obama Campaign E-Mails,” November 29, 2012. Business Week. Online. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-11-29/the-science-behind-those-obama-campaign-e-mails
Madrigal, Alexis. “Email Is Still the Best Thing on the Internet,” August 14, 2014. The Atlantic, Online. http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/08/why-email-will-never-die/375973/
The exam will cover Units 1-4.
Unit 5:
Facebook Ads Deep Dive
Unit 5:
Facebook Cuts Brands’ Reach Once Again
Say Goodbye to Facebook Organic Reach
Unit 5:
Social Overview
Unit 5:
Mulready, Rick. “Three Simple Ways to Measure Your Social Media Results”, Social Media Examiner. http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/3-strategies-to-measure-your-social-media/
Unit 5:
Guest Speaker
Unit 5:
L’oreal Case
Unit 5:
Ombre, Tie-Dye, Splat Hair: Trends or Fads? “Pull” and “Push” Social Media Strategies at L’Oréal Paris: Katrina Bens; David Dubois
Unit 5:
Online Listening
Unit 5:
Case Study: Ford Fiesta
Unit 5:
Ford Fiesta Case
Unit 5:
Guest Speaker
Unit 6:
Analytics Overview
Unit 6:
Gerber, Scott. “Nine Data Sets Every E-Commerce Company Should Measure,” August 26, 2013. Mashable.com. http://mashable.com/2013/08/26/9-data-sets-every-e-commerce-company-should-measure/
Unit 5:
Guest Speaker
Unit 6:
Making Decisions with Google Analytics
No formal class-group project work day
Unit 6:
Guest Speaker
Digital Marketing Strategy Group Presentations
Digital Marketing Strategy Group Presentations
Digital Marketing Strategy Group Presentations
Digital Marketing Strategy Group Presentations
Digital Marketing Strategy Group Presentations
Downloadable Syllabus
[embeddoc url=”http://www.MarketingintheDigitalAge.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Syllabus_PDF.pdf” width=”800″ download=”all”]